[. . . ] Série VL96* numérique Série XL97* numérique EUROPEAN UNION ECOLABEL Awarded to goods or services which meet the environmental requirements of the EU ecolabelling scheme Sommaire INSTALLATION DU TÉLÉVISEUR Consignes de sécurité . [. . . ] PREMIUM TELEVISION • This product contains technology subject to certain intellectual property rights of Microsoft. Use or distribution of this technology outside of this product is prohibited without the appropriate license(s) from Microsoft. € This product includes technology owned by Microsoft Corporation and can not be used or distributed without a license from Microsoft Licensing, GP. € Content owners use Windows Media digital rights management technology (WMDRM) to protect their intellectual property, including copyrights. If the WMDRM software fails to protect the content, content owners may ask Microsoft to revoke the software's ability to use WMDRM to play or copy protected content. When you download licenses for protected content, you agree that Microsoft may include a revocation list with the licenses. [. . . ] Working together these technologies deliver a better translation of the audio content and make the television experience sound closer to the original. [. . . ]